GCMW 177

Judy Fontanella, Instructor - All rights reserved

Please register to use our class site.

Note: If you get an error message when trying to submit, please email me at jfontanella@palomar.edu. I will enter you myself.

Very Important - Use the Correct Username

Pleae be sure to use the right username. Your username is your first name with first letter capitalized, and your last initial, capitalized. No space is between them.


Please use your first name and last initial - no space
First letter of the first name should be capitalized.
Last initial should be capitalized.

Examples: JaneD or AlexS
This is so that we will recognize you when you post to the discussion board.

First Name:
Last Name:

This is the password you'll use to login here. Not more than 15 characters.
URL of Student Site:
You will be given a student site. The URL for your site will be: https://gcmw177.palomar.edu/emaill name (Email name is the part of your Palomar email address that comes before the "@" symbol.)
Example: https://gcmw177.palomar.edu/jdoe1234
Email Address:

Use the email address that you check most frequently

Note: You only have to register once. After you register, you will be taken to the login page where you can login.